Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Return

I’m baaack.

Okay, so you never knew I was gone. I was on holiday for three glorious weeks. I have been back at the office since last week Wednesday, but my keyboard and desk have been too damp from the tears to do any actual blogging (or work for that matter).

Anyway, nothing gets the year started like a good bitch ‘n moan, does it? So here goes.

I have a serious thing about the traffic. I cannot understand why one person cannot just be courteous and kind to the next. Why must every person on the road (except me) behaves like a fricken jerk.

My least favorites of the bad drivers are the "I’m all right, Jackers".

These are those people who move so slowly at that "right turn only" green light, that they are the only one who is able to get across, while the rest of us wait, fuming for the next green light, and hope, against all odds that the next person is not an "I’m all right, Jacker".

That idiot who idles their car in the middle of the street at your kids school, to wait the 5, 10 minutes until her kid appears at the gate. While the queue in the SINGLE entry way gets backed up 10km by those parents who will park (out of the way) and get out of their cars to fetch their kids from the gate.


On a much more fabulous note, I have the following to report about Ciara :

  • She was awarded at a special evening for an outstanding achievement in Numeracy. Only 5 kids from each class were chosen for awards, and I am so proud of her.
  • She turned 7 on 8 January - so happy birthday baby - wawi loves you!
  • She started Grade 2 the next day.

I came up with some excellent ideas for blogs while I was on holiday, but I can't remember any of them, so, well, this is kind if it.

Sucky post, no?


lordwiggly said...

Hey I noticed your extended absence. Just cos I didnt write didnt mean I wasnt checking everyone elses blog. No?

I made a comeback, glad you did too! Better remember those post ideas pronto ;o)

SheBee said...

I also noticed! I clicked thrice just the other day. Thats my new favourite word, thrice. Thrrrrrrice.


Um, if you want to remember blog ideas be like me and carry a small little black book around. I go mad without mine!

So happy to have you back dear blogger / lurker :)

Unknown said...

Yay, so glad you are back! Missed you! Well done on your clever daughter you must be so proud!x

Kerryn said...

LW - I noticed your absence too. Don't do that again, okay? You frightened me.

Sheebs - Thice is a good word. I love good words. Thank you. Won't be so long till the next post :-)

Natalie - Thanks. I am so proud of her. She is the apple of my eye.

AngelConradie said...

aaah, a holiday...
belated congrats on ciara's award!!!