Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Can someone explain this to me?

Okay, so you can see the spelling of my name there on the right. It's not an easy name to spell, and when I speak to people I always tell them how to spell my name. Not once, in the history of EVER, has someone managed to spell my name correctly without being given the spelling.

So I understand the Caryn, Karen, Kerrin, Keran, Kiaran when someone hasn't been given the correct spelling.

But how, for the love of all things good and shiny in this world, do you get it wrong when you are replying to an e-mail, that contains the correct spelling of my name not once, but THREE times. And you still address the e-mail "Hi Kerin". How do you do that?

It must be some kind of gift, to be able to completely ignore EVERYTHING around you. I am either the most conscientious person I know (I actually check the spelling of peoples names when I reply to e-mails), or I am surrounded by some of the worlds most wilfully oblivious people!


Angel's Mind said...

I too am surrounded by those same people! Are you emailing the same ones I am...? I constantly get replies to Angela, Angelo, Angie or "Angel" - in quotation marks!!!

Kerryn said...

Love the quotation marks. Do they think that you think you're an actual angel?