Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Knocking on deaths door

I’m sick. I have been given a germ I neither asked for, nor wanted (thanks Kim.) And I am the worst kind of person when I’m sick.

I refuse to stay at home, in bed and get better. I come to work and mope around all day. Looking dreadful and feeling even worse. I apparently want to die here at my desk in a pool of phlegm and snot, and then I will be made a martyr. Or, at least some sort of saint.

I’m here at work, where theoretically, I am supposed to actually work. Someone will ask me for something and I will look at them with my best "can’t you see I’m dying" look and say "But I’m sick . . ."

And then I get home after a day of not working very much and Ciara will want me to do all these totally unnecessary things like ‘homework’ and ‘make dinner’.
Sheesh, can’t a girl get a break anywhere!


Anonymous said...

Why don't you just stay home till you better?

Hope you feel better soon!

SheBee said...



Sean said...

Dude. I read you often. Good stuff. Good stuff indeed.


Kerryn said...

I actually took a sick day on Thursday (much thanks to my car which would not start - yay car) and I took a half a sick day on Friday.
Yay me !!

Hi Sean.
Good to see you here.

Anonymous said...

There's little point in being miserable at home. It's far more efficient to be miserable at work.

lordwiggly said...

Did you make anyone else in the office sick and thus execute your evil-minded revenge plan? ;o)

Kerryn said...

KN - Yup, spread the misery, it loves company, ya know!

LW - Not yet, but I went to a meeting on Friday morning and managed to make someone there sick, so it's started! Mwahahah!