To the dear woman who works in the open plan office next to my office.
For the love of all things good in this world, please go and see a doctor. You are driving everyone INSANE with your incessant coughing.
Yes, we get that you are sick. Yes, we also get that you are too poor to go to the doctor.
And yes, we all think that perhaps if you kicked that 20 a day habit you wouldn't (a) be sick all the time, and (b) have money to go to the doctor.
The average cost of 1 cigarette is ± 90c. At 20 a day, 30 days a month, that would save you a grand total of R540-00 per month. This would be sufficient to go to the doctor (and get medication) at least once a month.
Thanking you in eager anticipation.
Note : As a smoker, this in no way is in intended to offend smokers. But FFS, if you are spending your last twenty bucks on a pack of smokes instead of milk and bread for your kids, it's time to stop smoking!
Isn't it amazing that smokers always complain that they have no money, but always have money for more ciggies? I don't have a problem with smokers, but I agree wholeheartedly with you. Get your priorities straight. Last time I checked, food is slightly more important than smokes.
Hmmmm. Why does this comment all of a sudden seem like a rant?
Because it was Glugs, hee hee. I understand where you are coming from!
Jesus ...
I was a little thrown by the viciousnesses of this post. So I forgot what I wanted to say.
David : It was truly my pleasure.
Glugs : Rant away ;-)
Natalie : :-)
Bridget : Yup, a little vicious, but we have also spoken kindly to her as well. I think the reason it pisses me off so much, is that she is always begging money from everyone and her excuse is "I need food for my kids". It's awful and selfish of her to put her nicotine habit above her own children!!
hell yeah- wake the fork up! thats like borrowing money from me for petrol when you just bought yourself new shoes!!!
haha, You are so right.
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