Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So sometimes I pick up the bosses telephone extension, like when he is on his cell phone.
I then take a message and ask the caller "Where are you calling from?" I invariably get a suburb as an answer.

Really!?!?!? Are you calling on behalf of an entire suburb of Gauteng or the surrounding regions? What makes you think I have any interest in what suburb you are currently in? Since you are calling a business, on what I assume is a business call, would it not make FAR more sense to tell me what company you are calling from? And if it's a private call, simply say "It's a private call."

Sometimes when I make private calls I say, Hi this is Kerryn from Company X. Then I laugh and say "I guess you didn't really need to know that since it isn't relevant, ha, ha".

I must learn to be more specific and ask "From which company are you calling?"

1 comment:

AngelConradie said...

I just love the ones who dial a wrong number and then argue with you when you tell them which company they have actually dialled!!